Our Mission Statement
To create a living “Eco-Vault” to hold and grow the widest possible diversity of coral species under optimal conditions to hedge against coral reef degradation and species extinction.
To pioneer the effective restocking of degraded coral reefs worldwide with locally endemic aquacultured specimens.
To promote and foster education and social outreach to educate society about current conservation challenges facing international marine environments.
To supplant the supply of wild-caught marine animals (corals, invertebrates, and fish) in the international aquarium trade with “Coral Ark” branded, pathogen-free, captive-raised/aquacultured specimens, thereby alleviating harvest pressure on coral reefs worldwide

Coral Reef Ecosystem Under Global Threat
THE CORAL ARK – Technology and Competitive Advantages
The Coral Ark has already secured the rights to rent a 16,000 square foot warehouse facility just steps away from SDC – ERI and immediately adjacent to LAX. This facility will facilitate up to approximately 50,000 gallons of holding capacity which can easily accommodate the early space requirements of the program. The facility’s proximity to SDC – ERI will also allow convenient access to new species and distribution of farmed specimens to the aquarium industry.
It is the intention of the Coral Ark to exponentially scale its operations within the first two years of inception. This will involve migrating the operation to a much larger, rural, agricultural locale to allow the housing and aquaculture of the ever-growing diversity of coral, invertebrate, and fish species that is anticipated. With the expansion of the endeavor, it is also hoped that an ever-increasing number of leading scientific personalities can be engaged and involved in ongoing efforts and public engagement.